I’m back!

As many of you probably know, my YouTube account was suspended last week due to violations of their incredibly ambiguous “community guidelines.” I’m through dealing with their lack of an appeals process and customer service, and once again have come back to the old adage, “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” I’m sure I’ll write more in the future. This is just sort of a test post and a test video. I hope to have all of my deleted YouTube content back online on this site within a week. As well, I should have sorted out comments and subscriptions, both of which WordPress supposedly supports. Expect the site to grow and mature over the coming months as I figure out what the hell I’m doing. For now, sit tight. I’m not dead, and I haven’t disappeared.

Northwestlooner / Mr. Motox

This entry was posted on Friday, October 30th, 2009 at 10:35 pm by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 4 comments on "I’m back!"

  1. inflatospidey says:

    Can’t wait to see this site fully up and running with Boinky fun!!

  2. benice707 says:

    your fucking videos rule dude , i seriously loveeee you your the hottest shit eva !!! id blow ya forrrrsureee

  3. benice707 says:

    by the way whats like an email or somethin where we can talk to you at ? like idk an adress or sumthin

  4. law176 says:

    congrats on your new site i am in to inflatables too i own a couple of them and people have the right to whatever they want hell people smoke pot and get away with it why can you play with inflatables so congrats and i am hoping you beat these guys


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