Football Pads

And here’s the promised followup from the video I posted a little over a week ago. Footage from the same session. ArmoredLooner had some Coors football pads that he’d modified to be extra balloon-y, so we figured we’d try them out on a hot day outside in the sun. I think they worked rather well 🙂

This entry was posted on Friday, May 18th, 2012 at 9:22 am by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 8 comments on "Football Pads"

  1. avidpopper says:

    Keep up the good work…. But I’m waiting for another mass popping video from all the toys that went unpopped during your downtime.

  2. thumper1099 says:

    Dan is definitely back in the saddle and looking good! Time to line up his next victims.

  3. yerkelayh says:

    Woohoo! Welcome back to the internet dude.

  4. bwan13 says:

    Where did he get the pads?

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      They show up on eBay from time to time, you just have to be patient and persistent. Just be careful as there are a couple of styles. Ones that are meant to be worn, and ones that are solid and meant for display only.

  5. thumper1099 says:

    With the summer weather I’m surprised that lots more inflate victims aren’t getting ridden hard by you guys. Ride ’em hard, destroy ’em completely, then rest easy.

  6. Earlray says:

    Say was wondering if you guys ever thought of putting some rubber ball on your feet laying on the ground and have the other guy get on top of of the ball as you lift him up with your legs, Also you ever thought of putting a smaller innertube inside the other and then lay on it as it fills up and pushing you up into the bigger tire.

  7. Kobiashi says:

    It’s interesting that I came across this video, because I just bought one of the Coors pads only a few days ago. <3

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