Toy-A-Week #3: Intex Puppy Dog

Another week, another toy goes down! At last count I had 5 votes for various gear/toy combos for my upcoming video, and it was a tie for whether people wanted to see me pop an Intex Penguin or an Intex Puppy Dog ride-on. So I flipped a coin, and it came up as end-of-the-line for the dog! I decided to take the suggestion to wear my firefighter turnout gear, as it’s not something I break out that often, and I do really like the look of it. Plus the weather is nice and cool this time of year, so I didn’t end up getting too overheated making this video, which is always a plug. I think it worked particularly well with this specific toy, too, being a black/white spotted “fire” dog. I hope you all agree, and I hope you enjoy the action.

In other news, some of you have been asking for ways to contact me since Trillian shut off Yahoo Messenger access. Well, I’ve finally gotten off my ass and setup a Skype account. As well, I’ve put together an official “contact” page for the site. The link can be found on the nav bar at the top of the site, right next to the “About” link. It has both my direct e-mail and Skype addresses, should you wish to communicate with me more directly than just leaving a comment on a video.

And with that all out of the way… on to the video!

Lastly, I've also added a few more toys to add to the toy-a-week lineup. All of them are from Intex's new "realistic" line of toys. I know some people really like the designs, and others hate them. All I know is that I have yet to see any of them "tested" properly to see what kind of punishment they can withstand. So, as usual, I figured it was up to me! (plus I ran across them for a price that was too good to pass up!). As usual, let me know what you'd like to see popped next week! Don't forget the first pile of toys from my first Toy-A-Week video are still on the table (floor? 😛 ) as well! Leave your votes in the comments below! What will it be next week? Realistic or oldschool?

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 24th, 2017 at 3:21 pm by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 9 comments on "Toy-A-Week #3: Intex Puppy Dog"

  1. pkiller66 says:

    Nice bang on this sucker!! Next? Well how long this realistic whale can go? ;-D

  2. nicely says:

    Love the video! Anymore from Popfest?

  3. Blackhelmet says:

    I love your pop. Can you pop the realistic whale in wepsuit please.

  4. thumper1099 says:

    Nice job. Your looking strong and fit again keep it up.

  5. 84lucario says:

    The crocodile realistic, crocodile dundee
    Or whale, save willi

  6. scallybikerider says:

    The realistic whale looks hot. Would be good to see you ride it in your yamaha one piece leathers

  7. wasserspeier says:

    Do you still have your quad? Maybe you can do a burnout on top of the turtle until it pops.

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      My quad is full-time four-wheel-drive, so it doesn’t really do burn outs. ArmoredLooner has one that’s rear-wheel only though… maybe I can steal his and try this… 🙂

  8. thumper1099 says:

    Very nice loud bang at the kill. Nice job champ.

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