Toy-A-Week #6: Camo Gator Wrestlin’

Another week, another toy. I’ve had a few requests so far for a gator/croc popping video, and some for me to wear my BDU/camo gear as well. I figured I’d combine the two and wear my BDUs while popping a Bestway Camo Crocodile ride on. This is a new toy for me. I’ve never had one like it or tried to pop one before. I haven’t really popped that many gators in my popping career either, so there were some unknowns/difficulties. It started leaking partway through my first try at filming the video, but ArmoredLooner patched him up for me and I was able to bust him “the right way” in the end 🙂 I’m now at 6 for 6 this year for getting my toys to pop the way I want them to! With a nice BANG! Hope you all enjoy.

What's coming up next week? I've seen some requests for the Spidey bop bag, as well as one for a mass beach ball bust. I spent a bit of time digging through my unboxed inflates and beach balls and came across some more stuff to toss on the "toy a week" pile. I think much of it came from thumper back in the day, and has been languishing in my attic, waiting for my recovery. Here's what I've found so far... a good number of beach balls for a mass sit pop (I count 13 or 14), a nice weighted Batman bop bag, and a cheap no-name gator ride on.

And here's the full pile as of right now... I'll be continuing to look for more victims to add as the weeks go on... 🙂

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 at 7:00 pm by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 8 comments on "Toy-A-Week #6: Camo Gator Wrestlin’"

  1. pkiller66 says:

    Nice bang! I’ve watch your pop videos since youtube, and remenber when you played with a intex sea turtle and a bunch of balloons, the balloons was popped, but in this video the turtle survived, and now there is one turtle in the pile… ;-D

  2. thumper1099 says:

    Anouther incredible bust champ! Nice big bang.

  3. pika says:

    Next I’d like to see the Penguin gets Bang!!

  4. Popking says:

    How Lovely popping video!!! Is the Intex Penguin still alive? I’d love to see him popped…

  5. sillylloon says:

    Good job. I also would like to see popping penguin video.

  6. thumper1099 says:

    The way you expertly used your weight and balance to destroy that sucker shows you are really back in fighting trim.

  7. Kroko says:

    Can I get this little translucent cheap Gator? =)

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