Confessions, Part 1

Good day to all! It’s been a while… quite a while. Life has been pretty crazy here, and not always in a good way. The good news, however, is that I am, mentally and physically, in a better place that I’ve been in in a LONG while… and so I took to the opportunity to join up with a fellow gear-head and part-time looner for some destructive fun. This will be a series of videos that I’ll post over the coming weeks. They will feature some combination of myself, my partner, and The Shiny Helmeted Stomper (check out his YouTube channel here).

Now… for the confession… for those of you who know me well and have chatted with me over the years, you know I am a man of many interests. I’m taking a chance and bringing some more of those into these videos, with the hope of not alienating my long-time fans. Specifically: stomping/crushing hard objects like electronics. This is one of SHS’s primary interests (he has a particular interest in antique tube/valve radios, and if you enjoy seeing those meet their end under heavy boots and gear, I highly recommend you check out his YouTube channel), and something that I have explored myself over the years, so I figured it would be fun to work it into some videos. I especially enjoy the idea of balloons and inflatables getting burst by the sharp bits of objects that have been crushed under boots, and I hope you guys find it exciting too!

Without further ado, here’s the first in our series… enjoy!

This entry was posted on Monday, March 3rd, 2025 at 7:18 am by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 2 comments on "Confessions, Part 1"

  1. thumper1099 says:

    Bravo! Are you in the red gear? All you studs are looking good,fit and strong bros. Love the addition of the new elements like the down puffer suit and the CD/cassette player destruction, very hot. Hope to see things like RC race cars, guitars, drum sets, etc come to their violent end under your boots and butts.

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      I’m in the camos + body armor, SHS in the all black puffer gear, and my partner (I forget if we ever came up with a handle for him) is in the red/black leathers + yellow helmet.

      We definitely have a variety of objects that get stomped and crushed throughout this series of videos, including various toys and electronics. I think you’ll find it enjoyable!

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