Birthday Bust 2009, Part 3

Annnnnd I’m spent! You cannot imagine just how beat I was by the end of this. I spent the better part of a day setting this up, filming it, and cleaning up the mess that I’d made. Was it worth it? Of course. Will I do it again next year, only bigger? Hell yes!

This entry was posted on Friday, November 13th, 2009 at 11:23 pm by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 16 comments on "Birthday Bust 2009, Part 3"

  1. wasserspeier says:


    your videos are awesome. The pop of the last whale was great. A popping fin is very rare (I think). Keep on the good work.


  2. avidpopper says:

    Wow was I glad when I finally saw this posted. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for making such great videos for all of us odd folk that love this stuff.

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      We’re not odd, just unique 🙂

  3. avidpopper says:

    yeah, that’s a good way to look at it. it’s to bad you didn’t show any footage of all the popped stuff. a nice big pile of popped toys and balloons for memories of all the fun…. how long did it take you to pop all that stuff in real time?

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      Took a couple of pictures of the aftermath. Here you go (click for full-size versions).


  4. surf_spurs says:

    haha, Mr MX…. i sure as hell love your intensity dude…. always have (wink)… WHOOP!

  5. Deko Drak says:

    Anyone offered to repair these inflatable? ^’======’^;

    1. thumper1099 says:

      When Mr.Motox takes on an inflatable he settles for nothing less than it’s complete and total destruction!

      1. Deko Drak says:

        Pfff, that shark just got a small leak behind the dorsal fin. Still, I’ve fixed things that were considered as lost. The power of sewing. I just like the grin on this happy blue shark. ^’======’^

  6. salescatcher63 says:

    Hey, Mr. MotoX-
    LOVED your wheels! Love your gear (outfits), too. Lots of fun, I have to admit! You really had a hard time poppin’ that whale, though! Glad you did!

  7. dvdcollector613 says:

    well, that looked like a whole lot of fun. Can’t wait for more new material 🙂

  8. Davespeedo says:

    My favorite of your videos so far…love the tire ring pops…I was surprised how fast thy went down, usually takes me awhile to split those open. You must spend a ton of bucks destroying all those inflates…thanks and keep up the good work! Would you like to receive a few in the mail to pop and make a video? I’ll pre-stretch some too. I literaly have 1,000’s of swim rings, air matts, and beach balls that I have purchased at close-out prices, e-bay, and collected on beaches and at pools…all clean of course! Hmmm maybe I should open a popper’s e-bay store!

  9. avidpopper says:

    By the date stamp on this video, it’s almost getting to be time for this year’s birthday bust. are you making plans for it yet? what’s going to be included in this one?

  10. Motoxesbiggestlover says:

    Shove your Balloon into that Whale and give it inflatable babies!LOLOLOLOLOL!

  11. Motoxesbiggestlover says:

    Believe it or not…
    I masturbate to these vids.

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      I’m sure you’re not alone 😉

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