Inflatopalooza 2010: Beachball Drop

Last weekend one of my good gear+inflatable friends decided to pay me a visit. He hasn’t made videos before and we’re still working on an alias for him. For the time being, let’s just call him Mr. X. 😉 We filled a 3-day weekend and 5 video tapes with inflatable destruction. This is the first video in what should be a long series 🙂 A beachball drop and popping contest. I don’t remember the final tally, but I know that he beat me by about 5 points. Scoring: 1 point for most, 2 points for the flame beach balls, 5 points for the little blue jet but it has to be the last thing popped, otherwise -5.

This entry was posted on Monday, February 8th, 2010 at 10:13 am by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 9 comments on "Inflatopalooza 2010: Beachball Drop"

  1. avidpopper says:

    wow, I think that’s the most beachballs I’ve ever seen in one place. if there was 3 days of inflatable popping, I can’t wait to see the rest.

  2. NorthEastLooner says:

    Holy moly I wish I was there for this. I agree with avidpopper, most beachballs popped in one vid

  3. resist says:

    I’m not usually a fan of bursting, but that was hot! The best was definitely the blue jet at the end. It made an awesome noise heh. Can’t wait to see the rest!

  4. nicely says:

    post the next series please! This was great!!!

  5. alpacalover25 says:

    wait wat? I am so confused! how do u view vids! i hav seen a preview of mr.motox on utube but now am trying 2 use his website and view his vids…but i can’t am not sure how 2! if sum1 wud b kind enough 2 lemme no how 2 watch vids i wud b so happy! THNX!!!PEACE!!!!!!

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking. You’re definitely in the right place. If the player isn’t working, make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Flash player for whatever browser you’re running. You can download it here.

  6. avidpopper says:

    Are there going to be balloons in the series of videos from your weekend?

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      Check out the latest video… just posted 🙂

  7. Pingback: Alex Gordon

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