Still Alive…

Hey all. Sorry for the unplanned and unexplained hiatus, but my life has been absolutely crazy these past couple of months. Hopefully things will get back to normal here soon. I did just finish up another visit with my friend from the first set of Inflatopalooza videos, and we shot more footage. I don’t know how much of it will make it here, as some of the reviews on those seem to be mixed. That said, here’s some popping from his visit to give you a preview 🙂

P.S. There may have been another biker in the mix in a few of the shots. 😉 I need to check with him to see whether or not he wants his handle released. If so, I’ll update this post later.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 16th, 2010 at 8:23 pm by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 16 comments on "Still Alive…"

  1. wasserspeier says:

    Woah, epic popping. I am speechless.

  2. Lavi says:

    niice…. so if this is a preview, i take it the actual one will be in next week or so?

  3. tonythetiger57 says:

    I love it, I have to see more, I have been waiting for so long for an update

  4. rbeni says:

    cool! keep us updated 😉

  5. playeur100 says:

    cool your preview

  6. yerkelayh says:

    Yay, more stuff! Keep up the good work.

  7. alziron says:

    keep it up

    man i lmao alot

  8. fishman911 says:

    I like this, But do some more with the 48 inch beachballs, ride em pop em find a girl to do it too thats even better

  9. balloonboyaz says:

    That was awsome. You popped so many so fast. Show more. Show more. What happened to the Zebra?

    1. thumper1099 says:

      Brett, you should get together with Northwestlooner and make the ultimate ride to bust video.

  10. Lavi says:

    maybe next time lose the power ranger outfits……otherwise i am waiting for the full thing 😉

  11. Lillithss says:

    Don’t let anyone tell you Inflatopalooza wasn’t amazing, I definitely want to see more of you and your friend 🙂

  12. avidpopper says:

    I love watching you pop stuff. Don’t ever stop. Next time your friend comes to visit, you should have another beachball popping contest, but with sit popping this time.

  13. hateintex says:

    Please pop more Intex planes like the one you popped on this video, I get crap all the time when I do anything with them, most likely the same people that complained about you on youtube. every time they complain I destroy more of them.


  14. OH SO SINFUL says:

    @ fishman911
    I would TOTALLY ride some with him. LOL.
    If I knew him in real life.

  15. avidpopper says:

    Even though I’m not usually a fan of sharp object popping, I’m finding slashing those 4 whales at the end hotter and hotter lately. Especially which ever one of you was in the black, was really aggressive with the slashing.

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