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News: 2025-01-12: Once again, sorry for the unexpected downtime. Haven't had a lot of time for this site lately, been too busy with life. I still try to keep it online for all of those who enjoy it. WordPress core + plugin updates seem to have again caused some problems. Fixed and back online.

In more fun news, I just had a meetup with a fellow gearhead (with some looner-ish tendencies) and mangaged to film some new material over the past week. Watch for it here sometime in the next couple of months as I get a chance to edit it. I'm also planning on migrating the site to a new host soon, so there may be a bit of downtime associated with that.
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Time to clean out the attic. All inflates in this video courtesy of ArmoredLooner, who makes a couple of appearances. Most all of these toys/ads had cardboard or some other annoying feature that makes them less fun to pop ...



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Quick bonus video for you guys. ArmoredLooner decided it would be a good idea when we got up Sunday morning to go to the local Albertson's and buy out their stock of Lil Blue Whales... and, well... this is what ...

ATV vs. Pile of Whales


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In a way this video is a new beginning for me. It's the first video I've made since my accident last June. It's the first video I've made outside at my new house. And most importantly, it's the first video I've made since ...

Everything Old is New Again
