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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Hey all. Sorry my updates have been rather sporadic lately. As a few of you know, I recently bought a house and moved. It was a lot of work, and I've had some other things going on in my life too that have been taking up ...

Birthday 2010 Lite


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It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything and I figured I'd look through some old footage and see if there was anything interesting that hadn't made it onto the site yet. Here's a bit from near the end of ...

Inflatapalooza 2010: Encore – Basic Training


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Another month, another video. This one is from my recent visit to ArmoredLooner's a couple of months back, filmed around the same time as "Rangers on a Plane." It was HOT out when we filmed this... look how nice and squishy ...

Road Rage


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Two airplane (and F-35, nonetheless) videos in a week?! Yes it's true. As well, my first solo video of the year to boot, for those of you who've been waiting. Hope you enjoy ...



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Hey all. Sorry for the unplanned and unexplained hiatus, but my life has been absolutely crazy these past couple of months. Hopefully things will get back to normal here soon. I did just finish up another visit with my ...

Still Alive…


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Well, we're nearing the end of the Inflatopalooza 2010 footage. This is one that a few people have requested but I've been avoiding putting up for a while just because some of the camera angles ended up being so bad. I ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Chairs


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Yup, there's still more Inflatopalooza (we packed a hell of a lot into that 3-day weekend :-) ). This one really wore us out, but it was a lot of fun. Hope you all ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Pump-to-pop Contest


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Sorry for making you guys wait... I've been rather busy lately. I think this one will have been worth the wait, however, at least for you boat fans. It may drag on a bit in places, but I wanted to leave it fairly un-cut ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Fish Hunter 250


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Recently I learned about Rhode Island Novelty from a couple of different sources. All of them told me that they sold cheap, crappy inflatables that popped too easily. Perfect :-) My thoughts Horses: Fun, wish they ...

Product Testing


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Annnnnd I'm spent! You cannot imagine just how beat I was by the end of this. I spent the better part of a day setting this up, filming it, and cleaning up the mess that I'd made. Was it worth it? Of course. Will I do ...

Birthday Bust 2009, Part 3


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The madness continues. One of these days I will pop a boat without the assistance of an air ...

Birthday Bust 2009, Part 2


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I'd love to try this with a real innertube one of these days (and the proper gear... not sure if motorcycle leathers would provide enough protection). I was getting impatient near the end of the video and reaching for the ...

Biker Trapped in Tube
