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News: 2025-01-12: Once again, sorry for the unexpected downtime. Haven't had a lot of time for this site lately, been too busy with life. I still try to keep it online for all of those who enjoy it. WordPress core + plugin updates seem to have again caused some problems. Fixed and back online.

In more fun news, I just had a meetup with a fellow gearhead (with some looner-ish tendencies) and mangaged to film some new material over the past week. Watch for it here sometime in the next couple of months as I get a chance to edit it. I'm also planning on migrating the site to a new host soon, so there may be a bit of downtime associated with that.
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Back this week with part two of birthday balloon fun. Finishing off the balloon pile with ArmoredLooner's help. Next week you'll get to see what happens to the pile of ride-ons... I promise it'll be worth the wait ...

Birthday 2017: Finishing off the Balloons


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Howdy! Sorry for my prolonged absence. I suppose I'm no different than anybody else with regard to New Year's resolutions, and I kept up my "Toy A Week" (which had dwindled to "toy every two weeks" and then "toy every now ...

Birthday 2017: Birthday Means (lots of) Balloons!


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Howdy, all! Decided I'd do something a bit different this week. Even though I play with balloons off-camera fairly frequently, they don't end up the focus of my videos on this site nearly as often as they used to. I ...

Toy-A-Week #18: Balloons and BDUs


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Seeing as last week's toy was a little disappointing and didn't hold up to my abuse for very long, I figured I'd try another, different, dolphin this week as a followup. I never really liked the look or feel of these Sunco ...

Toy-A-Week #14: Dolphin Destruction, Round Two!


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Howdy all! This week I figured I'd tackle a toy that's gotten a few requests recently... the Spider Man bop bag. I had anticipated that it would be a rather easy pop, so I threw in a few balloons (Tuftex 17" and Bluebird ...

Toy-A-Week #10: Balloons & Spidey


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Back this week with some help from ArmoredLooner, assisting me in finishing off my pile of birthday 'loons! Twice the biker, twice the squeaking (and popping!) Enjoy! To answer a question asked in a recent comment, I ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 3


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Hello again! Another week, another video. Part 2 of my birthday fun. More biker balloon destruction. Not much else to say, so... on to the video! Enjoy! ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 2


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Howdy all! It's been a while. Sorry for the unexplained and unexpected hiatus. I will explain a bit of where I've been and what's been going on in upcoming posts. For now, just enjoy the fact that I'm back, and there are ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 1


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Here's installment number two of this year's birthday series, the obligatory room full of balloons. Lots of popping methods, a good variety of balloons, and a couple of bikers enjoying popping every last balloon :-) They ...

Birthday 2012: Obligatory Mass Balloon Bust


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Sorry for the lack of the promised pre-holiday update. Here's something to make up for it. I should have another video from the same session up soon. Hope you enjoy. All toys in this video provided by Thumper, I know ...

Thumper’s Toys


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Hey all. Sorry my updates have been rather sporadic lately. As a few of you know, I recently bought a house and moved. It was a lot of work, and I've had some other things going on in my life too that have been taking up ...

Birthday 2010 Lite


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Well, we're nearing the end of the Inflatopalooza 2010 footage. This is one that a few people have requested but I've been avoiding putting up for a while just because some of the camera angles ended up being so bad. I ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Chairs
