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News: 2025-01-12: Once again, sorry for the unexpected downtime. Haven't had a lot of time for this site lately, been too busy with life. I still try to keep it online for all of those who enjoy it. WordPress core + plugin updates seem to have again caused some problems. Fixed and back online.

In more fun news, I just had a meetup with a fellow gearhead (with some looner-ish tendencies) and mangaged to film some new material over the past week. Watch for it here sometime in the next couple of months as I get a chance to edit it. I'm also planning on migrating the site to a new host soon, so there may be a bit of downtime associated with that.
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Part 2... the end of the end of the sea lions. I had hope to get this up earlier in the week, but got distracted. Here it is. Enjoy :-) ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Intex Sea Lions, Part 2


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The much-awaited Sea Lion video. I figured I'd split this up into a couple of parts just to keep you guys coming back for more. For this video my visiting friend and I switched gear, so he's in my Yamaha leathers and I'm ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Intex Sea Lions, Part 1


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As promised... another week, another video. A lot of you have asked for some balloon action, and I realize it's been a while since I've posted any. This contest was dreamed up by my old friend Thumper, who also supplied ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Balloon Sit-pop Contest


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Last weekend one of my good gear+inflatable friends decided to pay me a visit. He hasn't made videos before and we're still working on an alias for him. For the time being, let's just call him Mr. X. ;-) We filled a 3-day ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Beachball Drop


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Recently I learned about Rhode Island Novelty from a couple of different sources. All of them told me that they sold cheap, crappy inflatables that popped too easily. Perfect :-) My thoughts Horses: Fun, wish they ...

Product Testing


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Annnnnd I'm spent! You cannot imagine just how beat I was by the end of this. I spent the better part of a day setting this up, filming it, and cleaning up the mess that I'd made. Was it worth it? Of course. Will I do ...

Birthday Bust 2009, Part 3


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The madness continues. One of these days I will pop a boat without the assistance of an air ...

Birthday Bust 2009, Part 2


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New content! Hooray! I know a lot of you have been eager to see this, and I've been busting my ass (literally and figuratively) to get it put together and online. Even though I no longer have to deal with YouTube's 10 ...

Birthday Bust 2009, Part 1


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Here's the last video I posted on YouTube before my account was shut down. *deep breath* That was a lot of work. I'll have new content up soon, including my birthday bust for this year, which was huge. Watch for that in ...

Ride ’em Cow…Biker?


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The first in a couple of videos inspired by my being featured on RayWilliamJohnson's YouTube ...

Mr. MotoX Presents: Episode 1


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I'd love to try this with a real innertube one of these days (and the proper gear... not sure if motorcycle leathers would provide enough protection). I was getting impatient near the end of the video and reaching for the ...

Biker Trapped in Tube


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Here's the first in the final batch of my old YouTube videos. I know a lot of you have been asking for this ...

New Years Bust with Sneaks01
