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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Here's installment number two of this year's birthday series, the obligatory room full of balloons. Lots of popping methods, a good variety of balloons, and a couple of bikers enjoying popping every last balloon :-) They ...

Birthday 2012: Obligatory Mass Balloon Bust


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Time to clean out the attic. All inflates in this video courtesy of ArmoredLooner, who makes a couple of appearances. Most all of these toys/ads had cardboard or some other annoying feature that makes them less fun to pop ...



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Hello again. I figure I should try and post something every once in a while so that you guys don't think that I've completely abandoned the site. Here's some B reel footage from a couple of years back. The camera angles ...

3 Bikers on a Whale


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And now for the exciting conclusion! The tube pop looks rather violent in the video and I can assure you that it was. I'm very glad that I was wearing my leathers and a ...

Trapped in an Innertube, Pt. 2


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I know it's been a while since my last post. A few of you who know me well know that I was in a serious car accident in early June (I was rear-ended by a pickup truck doing 60mph, while I was stopped, then hit in the ...

Trapped in an Innertube, Pt. 1


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...have been greatly exaggerated. The toys in this video however... ;-) Sorry for the long time between posts guys. Had a lot of stuff going on lately, both good and bad. I won't bore you with the details, but overall ...

Rumors of My Death


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Ever wonder why your flight was really delayed? Here's the other half of the footage from Armoredlooner's recent visit, and it's all airplanes! I suppose you could consider this a sequel to "Thumper's Toys," as all of the ...

Mechanical Difficulties


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Sorry for the lack of the promised pre-holiday update. Here's something to make up for it. I should have another video from the same session up soon. Hope you enjoy. All toys in this video provided by Thumper, I know ...

Thumper’s Toys


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A couple of my friends from Germany sent me a box full of toys to destroy a while back. In fact, about 6 months ago. It only took me 4 months to get around to using them and another 2 to get the video online. Sorry for ...

Das German Toys


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Hey all. Sorry for the unplanned and unexplained hiatus, but my life has been absolutely crazy these past couple of months. Hopefully things will get back to normal here soon. I did just finish up another visit with my ...

Still Alive…


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Part 2... the end of the end of the sea lions. I had hope to get this up earlier in the week, but got distracted. Here it is. Enjoy :-) ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Intex Sea Lions, Part 2


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The much-awaited Sea Lion video. I figured I'd split this up into a couple of parts just to keep you guys coming back for more. For this video my visiting friend and I switched gear, so he's in my Yamaha leathers and I'm ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Intex Sea Lions, Part 1
