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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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A somewhat rare toy (made by Intex for Sea World) and my favorite method of popping again. Thanks, once again, to thumper for the ...

Intex ‘Shamu’ Orca Ride to Bust


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Another variety show. Lots of small balloons, a beach ball, couple of small alligators. To answer the question that was asked 50x on my YouTube account: yes, I have a video of me busting the turtle SOMEWHERE, I'll look ...

Small Balloon and Pool Toy Miscellanea


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My goal since I started playing with inflatables and shooting these videos: ride a pool toy until it pops. Not a sissy rip and "hiss" but a full on seam split and resounding "BOOM!" I finally got my wish. Hope you enjoy ...

Blue Intex Orca Ride to Bust


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Working my way through a pile of smaller pool toys. A few 20" beach balls, small alligators, a bop bag, and a swim ring ...

Small Pool Toy Destruction


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Using an Intex Lil' Whale as padding while sit popping some balloons (there's some B2P on my air compressor ...

Balloons on a Whale


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I am going to break my tailbone one of these days... at least that's what my friends keep telling ...

I’ve Got Big Balls!


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Intex Magic Dragon and a beach ball. (Hey, I uploaded a lot of videos this time around, you can't expect me to come up with brilliant descriptions for each and every ...

Slay the Dragon


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The first REAL pool toy I got my hands, err, gloves on. Got a little heavy-handed on the air on this one and it didn't end quite how I wanted but... well... you'll just have to ...

Killer Whale Destruction


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For this video I just started looking through my collection and grabbed a few of everything, blew them up, and dove in. Enjoy ...

Lots of Balloons


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Trivia: This was the first of my videos to feature inflatable destruction. The toys that I bought were a) small and b) crap, and I didn't think they were all that interesting. Thankfully I got my hands on some decent pool ...

Jumping (on) the Shark


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Back when I was young and naive, I thought this might be a little too risque for the overlords at YouTube, so I marked it as private and only shared it with a select few. Now that I don't have to worry about them, all of ...

Busting in MX Gear, Part 2 Deleted Scene!


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The video that started it all! Posted to YouTube almost 3 years ...

Busting in MX Gear
