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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Hello again. Sorry for the delayed video once again this time. I'm still hard at work looking for a new job, as well as engaged in a remodeling project that Armored is working on around the house. Plus the weather has ...

Toy-A-Week # 12: F35 Crash!


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And I'm back! Sorry for skipping out on posting a video last week. Things have been super busy for me this past couple of weeks. I'm currently searching for a new job, after a little over a year of trying to do contract ...

Toy-A-Week #11: Friendly Shark & Bonus


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Howdy all! This week I figured I'd tackle a toy that's gotten a few requests recently... the Spider Man bop bag. I had anticipated that it would be a rather easy pop, so I threw in a few balloons (Tuftex 17" and Bluebird ...

Toy-A-Week #10: Balloons & Spidey


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Greetings all! I know I'm a day late getting a video up this week (Tuesday has been my usual), but better late than never, right? Life just sort of got in the way. This week it seems like the vote went for the Intex ...

Toy-A-Week #8: Intex Realistic Turtle


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This week's victim is, by much request, an Intex Penguin Ride-on. Got a lot of requests for this and looked like it would be a good ride. I wasn't disappointed. For gear, I've received a request or two to do a pop in ...

Toy-A-Week #7: (Death) March of the Penguin


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Another week, another toy. I've had a few requests so far for a gator/croc popping video, and some for me to wear my BDU/camo gear as well. I figured I'd combine the two and wear my BDUs while popping a Bestway Camo ...

Toy-A-Week #6: Camo Gator Wrestlin’


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Back this week with another toy and a surprise... I filmed this week's video outside, in the snow! Where I live (Western Washington state, in the USA), we don't usually see much snow outside of the mountains. In fact, it ...

Toy-A-Week #5: Snowed In! (Intex Orca)


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Another week, another toy goes down! At last count I had 5 votes for various gear/toy combos for my upcoming video, and it was a tie for whether people wanted to see me pop an Intex Penguin or an Intex Puppy Dog ride-on. ...

Toy-A-Week #3: Intex Puppy Dog


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Greetings again! I'm back, as-promised, with week #2 and toy #2. I heard a couple of requests to see the Lifeway pony popped, and no real consensus on the gear. So I ended up in my standard red Yamaha leathers. I think ...

Toy-A-Week #2: Lifeway Pony


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Howdy all, and happy new year! I promised you some new Mr. MotoX content with the new year, and I don't intend to disappoint. Over the past few years, since my auto accident and recovery, I have let a lot of things go. ...

Toy-A-Week #1: Intex Lil’ Blue Whale


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Happy new years, all. Figured I'd try to get one more video online before the calendar changes to 2017. Some more ride-on fun/destruction from ArmoredLooner's pop-fest. Watch for new material in the new year, including a ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: More Ride-Ons!


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I know from comments on the previous Popfest videos that some of you have had it in for these particular toys for a while now. I am happy to report that the time for pony popping is here! I especially enjoyed ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: Intex Ponies
