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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Title says it all. As usual, enjoy. ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest 2013 #4 – Car & Diver


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Finally, a ride-on! :-) ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest 2013 #3 – Chair, Lounge, and Dolphin


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Hello again. This time around a Swimline turtle (with the center baffle blown) gets ridden and pops with a nice bang, as well as some other misc. toys. ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest 2013 #2 – Swimline Turtle


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Hello all, I know it's been a while. Since I've still been under the weather, ArmoredLooner has offered to fill in and do some solo videos. Here's the first of a set filmed during his birthday. I hope you all enjoy. ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest 2013 #1 – Air mats


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It's that time of the year again, and this year I was actually able to put something somewhat substantial together, after a couple of years off of less-than-spectacular birthday videos. It's nice to have space (the new ...

Birthday 2012: It Begins


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Hello again. This one has been quite a while in the making. Ever since I heard that was making a HUGE version of the Intex Lil' Blue Whale rider, and at a reasonable price point, I knew I had to have some... to pop ... Whale: The Bigger They Are…


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And here's the promised followup from the video I posted a little over a week ago. Footage from the same session. ArmoredLooner had some Coors football pads that he'd modified to be extra balloon-y, so we figured we'd try ...

Football Pads


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In a way this video is a new beginning for me. It's the first video I've made since my accident last June. It's the first video I've made outside at my new house. And most importantly, it's the first video I've made since ...

Everything Old is New Again


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Hello again. I figure I should try and post something every once in a while so that you guys don't think that I've completely abandoned the site. Here's some B reel footage from a couple of years back. The camera angles ...

3 Bikers on a Whale


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...have been greatly exaggerated. The toys in this video however... ;-) Sorry for the long time between posts guys. Had a lot of stuff going on lately, both good and bad. I won't bore you with the details, but overall ...

Rumors of My Death


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Ever wonder why your flight was really delayed? Here's the other half of the footage from Armoredlooner's recent visit, and it's all airplanes! I suppose you could consider this a sequel to "Thumper's Toys," as all of the ...

Mechanical Difficulties


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Sorry for the lack of the promised pre-holiday update. Here's something to make up for it. I should have another video from the same session up soon. Hope you enjoy. All toys in this video provided by Thumper, I know ...

Thumper’s Toys
