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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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The much-awaited Sea Lion video. I figured I'd split this up into a couple of parts just to keep you guys coming back for more. For this video my visiting friend and I switched gear, so he's in my Yamaha leathers and I'm ...

Inflatopalooza 2010: Intex Sea Lions, Part 1


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Recently I learned about Rhode Island Novelty from a couple of different sources. All of them told me that they sold cheap, crappy inflatables that popped too easily. Perfect :-) My thoughts Horses: Fun, wish they ...

Product Testing


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Annnnnd I'm spent! You cannot imagine just how beat I was by the end of this. I spent the better part of a day setting this up, filming it, and cleaning up the mess that I'd made. Was it worth it? Of course. Will I do ...

Birthday Bust 2009, Part 3


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The madness continues. One of these days I will pop a boat without the assistance of an air ...

Birthday Bust 2009, Part 2


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Here's the last video I posted on YouTube before my account was shut down. *deep breath* That was a lot of work. I'll have new content up soon, including my birthday bust for this year, which was huge. Watch for that in ...

Ride ’em Cow…Biker?


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The first in a couple of videos inspired by my being featured on RayWilliamJohnson's YouTube ...

Mr. MotoX Presents: Episode 1


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A bit of a disappointing ending on this one, at least by my standards. More of a "poomfssh" than a "boom." Still plenty of good riding, though. ...

The Tortoise and the Biker


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Too hot for YouTube! This is one of the videos that YouTube's trained chimps, errr, censors, pulled from my account in the weeks preceding its ...

Intex Walrus


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I shot this video to test out my then new digital still camera, which also had a pretty decent video capture mode... or so I thought. While it was capable of capturing at 480 and 720p, unfortunately there are some features ...

Balloons on a Whale 2: Electric Boogaloo


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These balloons totally were not yoinked from a real estate sign near my house. Nope. Not at all. On a related note: who in the hell ties 36" Tuftex balloons to a real estate sign? ...

Big Tuftex


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One of the upsides about setting up this site and re-uploading all of my videos, is that I'm watching them again after not having seen many of the older ones for a few years, in order to figure out how to tag the posts. I ...

A Tale of Two Beach Balls


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Forget the eternal Batman vs Superman vs Spiderman vs Wonder Woman debates. Who will win in the epic battle of Mr. MotoX vs. Spiderman bop ...

Biker vs Heroes, Part 1
