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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Howdy all! This week I figured I'd tackle a toy that's gotten a few requests recently... the Spider Man bop bag. I had anticipated that it would be a rather easy pop, so I threw in a few balloons (Tuftex 17" and Bluebird ...

Toy-A-Week #10: Balloons & Spidey


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A bit of a variation on the "toy" a week theme this time around. Today we have a pile of beach balls (many of them sent by thumper, many years ago... thanks buddy!), and an American football player who needs a bit of an ...

Toy-A-Week #9: Off-season Training


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Greetings all! I know I'm a day late getting a video up this week (Tuesday has been my usual), but better late than never, right? Life just sort of got in the way. This week it seems like the vote went for the Intex ...

Toy-A-Week #8: Intex Realistic Turtle


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This week's victim is, by much request, an Intex Penguin Ride-on. Got a lot of requests for this and looked like it would be a good ride. I wasn't disappointed. For gear, I've received a request or two to do a pop in ...

Toy-A-Week #7: (Death) March of the Penguin


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Another week, another toy goes down! At last count I had 5 votes for various gear/toy combos for my upcoming video, and it was a tie for whether people wanted to see me pop an Intex Penguin or an Intex Puppy Dog ride-on. ...

Toy-A-Week #3: Intex Puppy Dog


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Happy new years, all. Figured I'd try to get one more video online before the calendar changes to 2017. Some more ride-on fun/destruction from ArmoredLooner's pop-fest. Watch for new material in the new year, including a ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: More Ride-Ons!


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I know from comments on the previous Popfest videos that some of you have had it in for these particular toys for a while now. I am happy to report that the time for pony popping is here! I especially enjoyed ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: Intex Ponies


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Recently, after re-vamping my site, I got a comment asking if I still had the any more of ArmoredLooner's PopFest 2013 footage, and wanting to see how the rest of the toys in those videos met their end. I am happy to report ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: Swim Rings


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Back this week with some help from ArmoredLooner, assisting me in finishing off my pile of birthday 'loons! Twice the biker, twice the squeaking (and popping!) Enjoy! To answer a question asked in a recent comment, I ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 3


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Hello again! Another week, another video. Part 2 of my birthday fun. More biker balloon destruction. Not much else to say, so... on to the video! Enjoy! ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 2


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Howdy all! It's been a while. Sorry for the unexplained and unexpected hiatus. I will explain a bit of where I've been and what's been going on in upcoming posts. For now, just enjoy the fact that I'm back, and there are ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 1


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Title says it all. As usual, enjoy. ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest 2013 #4 – Car & Diver
