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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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One of the upsides about setting up this site and re-uploading all of my videos, is that I'm watching them again after not having seen many of the older ones for a few years, in order to figure out how to tag the posts. I ...

A Tale of Two Beach Balls


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I got some new gear... how else am I going to try it out. Predictable, aren't I? To answer the unasked questions: yes it IS fun to dive into a pile of balloons. They are, however, not going to support you and your ass is ...

Mass Bust in Racing Gear


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For this video I just started looking through my collection and grabbed a few of everything, blew them up, and dove in. Enjoy ...

Lots of Balloons


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Trivia: This was the first of my videos to feature inflatable destruction. The toys that I bought were a) small and b) crap, and I didn't think they were all that interesting. Thankfully I got my hands on some decent pool ...

Jumping (on) the Shark


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Testing out my new, at the time, leathers by diving into a pile of Unique ...

Unique 16″, Mass Bust


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AHA! Apparently I didn't forget to upload this one. Here's the other half of my 2008 birthday ...

Birthday Bust 2008, Part 2


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My birthday was last week, so I figured it was appropriate to get this video back online. Don't worry, I've got another pop-fest planned for this year, and it should be even bigger. :-) Note: I'll upload part 2 with the ...

Birthday Bust 2008, Part 1


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Another of my early videos. I was still putting together my first set of MX get at this point, and figured this would be a good way to break in my new boots. ...

Stomp in New MX Boots
