Toy-A-Week #4: Intex Realistic Whale

Greetings all! I’ve been a bit busy this week so I’m getting my toy-a-week video online a day later than I would have liked. I think you will all agree that it was worth the wait. The “winner” this week was the new Intex Realistic whale, and I ended up choosing my red Yamaha leathers for gear. I hoped they would be nice and squeaky against this particular toy (as well as looking great!), and I was not disappointed! It definitely took me a bit longer to get this guy to pop, vs some of the toys in recent videos, and I think it was rather unique the way that he did pop. I really enjoyed this toy and making this video. Popping larger inflates is always so much fun and feels like such great victory when they finally explode underneath me. The new realistic whale is just so big and bouncy, soft and squeaky. It was so much fun abusing and riding him to his doom! 🙂 Hope you all enjoy!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 at 10:45 am by Mr. MotoX in the category Videos.

+ Show - Hide 13 comments on "Toy-A-Week #4: Intex Realistic Whale"

  1. Martin says:

    Cool! You so best!

  2. pkiller66 says:

    What a Hell of pop!! You are the best!! Next? Crocodile Dundee!! LOL!

  3. thumper1099 says:

    That was a hoot! Outstanding bust!

  4. Blackhelmet says:

    I love your pop
    The next the crocodile in a military suit.

  5. scallybikerider says:

    Gona have to get one of those whales … 😉

  6. smoothpopper says:

    ScallyBikerider…. I agree… Me too 😛

  7. InuYashaClaws says:

    That really was an amazing pop for sure. You know you could probably seal that end off and re-inflate it again for another pop. Get 2 pops for the price of 1.

    I still would like to see the fighter jet in your BDUs. Would be cool if you got your buddy to join you. Maybe him stabbing your plane like he’s shooting it down.

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      ArmoredLooner is my in-house inflatable repair expert. If it can be fixed, he always finds a way. He can do amazing things with some MEK, some pieces of wood, and a few clamps. I’ve set him on fixing up any and all toys that I fail to “thoroughly” destroy, and I’ll come back and have a second go at them one of these weeks. You can be sure that I haven’t finished with that realistic whale just yet! I think the Lifeway pony deserves another ride as well 🙂

      Interesting idea for the F35. Stabbing isn’t usually my thing, but maybe I’ll do that in one video (or rather, have my partner do it), and “properly” pop it in the next. Thanks for the idea!

  8. InuYashaClaws says:

    Hey someone made a cartoon picture of you.

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      I actually ran across that myself the other day (I occasionally go looking for inflates-related pics on FA, and happened to do a search the day he posted it), but thanks for posting it here! I felt very honored when I found it. Achievement unlocked: featured in fan art! 😛

  9. thumper1099 says:

    One of your beachball sit busting workouts in your blue moto x pants

    1. Mr. MotoX says:

      Hmmm… I should see how much stock of beachballs is doing. Might have to steal a few from Armored. If I can round up a suitable number, I’ll put this on my list for an upcoming vid 🙂

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