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News:2025-03-05: Fixing up a few more things on the site, after letting it languish for a number of years. As some of you may have noticed, we now have a proper SSL cert! In addition, I've got the e-mailer working again too, so if any of you are looking to create accounts to comment, recover your account passwords, etc, that should all be working once again.

2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Hello again! Continuing on with the series of videos that I filmed when SHS visited, I've got something a bit more conventional for you this week. Just 3 guys in gear having fun bursting balloons + inflates. For those of ...

Just Balloons + Inflates
