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News:2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Intex Magic Dragon and a beach ball. (Hey, I uploaded a lot of videos this time around, you can't expect me to come up with brilliant descriptions for each and every ...

Slay the Dragon


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The first REAL pool toy I got my hands, err, gloves on. Got a little heavy-handed on the air on this one and it didn't end quite how I wanted but... well... you'll just have to ...

Killer Whale Destruction


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For this video I just started looking through my collection and grabbed a few of everything, blew them up, and dove in. Enjoy ...

Lots of Balloons


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Trivia: This was the first of my videos to feature inflatable destruction. The toys that I bought were a) small and b) crap, and I didn't think they were all that interesting. Thankfully I got my hands on some decent pool ...

Jumping (on) the Shark


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Back when I was young and naive, I thought this might be a little too risque for the overlords at YouTube, so I marked it as private and only shared it with a select few. Now that I don't have to worry about them, all of ...

Busting in MX Gear, Part 2 Deleted Scene!


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The video that started it all! Posted to YouTube almost 3 years ...

Busting in MX Gear


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The setup and cleanup for this video took a LONG time. It was fun as hell though, and I will probably do it again when the weather warms up. ...

Ridin’ Dirty


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There's an old saying that goes: "The two best days of a man's life are when he buys his first boat and pops his first boat." Err... something like that, at ...

Intex Explorer Boat Pop


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I honestly can't believe how long this little guy held on ...

Happy Dragon


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Testing out my new, at the time, leathers by diving into a pile of Unique ...

Unique 16″, Mass Bust


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AHA! Apparently I didn't forget to upload this one. Here's the other half of my 2008 birthday ...

Birthday Bust 2008, Part 2


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Not much to say about this video other than to make excuses for it being short. It's short because I wore myself out busting the playground ball and decided it would be a good idea to keep ...

Inflatable Tiger Bust
