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News:2025-03-05: Fixing up a few more things on the site, after letting it languish for a number of years. As some of you may have noticed, we now have a proper SSL cert! In addition, I've got the e-mailer working again too, so if any of you are looking to create accounts to comment, recover your account passwords, etc, that should all be working once again.

2025-03-03: New videos are coming out now and over the next few weeks. I just got back from some travel and have had time to finish editing. I will be posting the footage that I filmed with The Shiny Helmeted Stomper back in January in the coming weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
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Greetings all! I've been a bit busy this week so I'm getting my toy-a-week video online a day later than I would have liked. I think you will all agree that it was worth the wait. The "winner" this week was the new Intex ...

Toy-A-Week #4: Intex Realistic Whale


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Another week, another toy goes down! At last count I had 5 votes for various gear/toy combos for my upcoming video, and it was a tie for whether people wanted to see me pop an Intex Penguin or an Intex Puppy Dog ride-on. ...

Toy-A-Week #3: Intex Puppy Dog


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Greetings again! I'm back, as-promised, with week #2 and toy #2. I heard a couple of requests to see the Lifeway pony popped, and no real consensus on the gear. So I ended up in my standard red Yamaha leathers. I think ...

Toy-A-Week #2: Lifeway Pony


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Howdy all, and happy new year! I promised you some new Mr. MotoX content with the new year, and I don't intend to disappoint. Over the past few years, since my auto accident and recovery, I have let a lot of things go. ...

Toy-A-Week #1: Intex Lil’ Blue Whale


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Happy new years, all. Figured I'd try to get one more video online before the calendar changes to 2017. Some more ride-on fun/destruction from ArmoredLooner's pop-fest. Watch for new material in the new year, including a ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: More Ride-Ons!


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I know from comments on the previous Popfest videos that some of you have had it in for these particular toys for a while now. I am happy to report that the time for pony popping is here! I especially enjoyed ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: Intex Ponies


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Recently, after re-vamping my site, I got a comment asking if I still had the any more of ArmoredLooner's PopFest 2013 footage, and wanting to see how the rest of the toys in those videos met their end. I am happy to report ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest Revisited: Swim Rings


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Back this week with some help from ArmoredLooner, assisting me in finishing off my pile of birthday 'loons! Twice the biker, twice the squeaking (and popping!) Enjoy! To answer a question asked in a recent comment, I ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 3


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Hello again! Another week, another video. Part 2 of my birthday fun. More biker balloon destruction. Not much else to say, so... on to the video! Enjoy! ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 2


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Howdy all! It's been a while. Sorry for the unexplained and unexpected hiatus. I will explain a bit of where I've been and what's been going on in upcoming posts. For now, just enjoy the fact that I'm back, and there are ...

Birthday 2016: Mass Balloon Biker Bust, Part 1


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Title says it all. As usual, enjoy. ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest 2013 #4 – Car & Diver


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Finally, a ride-on! :-) ...

ArmoredLooner Popfest 2013 #3 – Chair, Lounge, and Dolphin
